
Mistress Gets Half My Husband’s Paycheck Every Week!

Posted on: March 4th, 2013 Comments Off on Mistress Gets Half My Husband’s Paycheck Every Week!

Question: My husband gave his “girlfriend” his debit card and she uses the card to get cash at the ATM machine. I found out that she’s been taking half of his paycheck every week! Can I sue her to get the money back or do I have to sue my husband?

The Judge’s Answer: You do not have a claim against your husband’s girlfriend. Your husband gave her permission to withdraw the money. You cannot file a civil suit against your husband, but you can file for a divorce and ask the court to award you maintenance or alimony.

Ask Judge Mathis – March 4, 2013

Posted on: March 3rd, 2013 Comments Off on Ask Judge Mathis – March 4, 2013

Probably not. Some states allow employers to consider criminal records when determining whether or not to hire employees. Moreover, if you misrepresented your background during your interview, your employer can terminate your for falsifying your application.

Clip of the Week — March 4, 2013

Posted on: March 3rd, 2013 No Comments

Can I Still Get My Settlement If My Lawyer Is In Jail?

Posted on: March 1st, 2013 Comments Off on Can I Still Get My Settlement If My Lawyer Is In Jail?

Question: My son was offered a settlement by the mass transit company in our area. Once agreeing to the offer, we were told that it would be a few months before he received the money. After 5 months of not hearing from our lawyer, we tried to contact him only to find that the law offices closed because the owner of the firm (our lead attorney) was tried and convicted in federal court! How can I get my son his settlement money?

The Judge’s Answer: You will need to hire another attorney who will contact the Transit company on your son’s behalf. If the case was filed in court, the new attorney can get opposing counsel’s information from the court docket and assist in settling the matter for you.