Car Accident & No Insurance…How Can I Keep My License From Being Suspended?

Question: I was in a pretty bad car accident and my insurance had lapsed the day before. I suffered some injuries and couldn’t give a statement at the time because I was in shock. As a result, the police left out significant details in their report. When I contacted them to tell them that I disagreed with the report, I was told that it’s the opinion of the officer at the scene that determines which driver was at fault. The other driver has contacted an attorney and has threatened me to either contact their office or they will suspend my license and file a suit. What are my options?

The Judge’s Answer: If you believe the other driver was at fault, you may file a civil claim against him. If your insurance lapsed at the time of the accident and the other driver sustained damages in the amount of $1,000 or more, the Department of Transportation can suspend your license. Not the other driver’s attorney. If you receive a notice stating that your license will be suspended, you should request a hearing. If you prove that it is not a reasonable probability that a judgment will be entered against you, the Department will not suspend your license.