What Does It Mean To Be An “At-Will” Employee?

I had been working at a internet modeling studio for over 6 months when two people got hurt on a weekend that I happened to be off. Afterwards, my boss told us that we had to sign a release waiver of liability form or else we would be fired. I didn’t agree with the paper so I refused to sign and he fired me the next day! I live in Nevada which is an “at-will” state. Can he get away with firing me like that?

The Judge’s Answer: An at-will employee is one that may be terminated for any reason or no reason at all. Of course your employer can not fire you because of your race, religion, gender, age, national origin or disability. If your employer requires his employees to sign a waiver of liability in order to be employed by him, he may terminate you if you refuse to sign the waiver. However, you may be entitled to unemployment compensation.