Grandma Can’t See The Baby Until She Pays!

Question: If two minors have sex and produce a child, are the parents of the minor male child responsible for the bills that ensue for the birth of the child and the prenatal bills? Both parents were 17 at the time of birth. PLEASE HELP! –the maternal parents do not want to allow me or the baby’s father to see the child without paying!

The Judge’s Answer: Well it depends. In some states, if the minor teenager that is the custodial parent of the child is receiving state assistance, the state in its discretion can make both sets of parents of the teenage minors jointly liable for child support. This could include hospital bills. Normally, grandparents are not legally bound/obligated for the support of their grandchildren. However, the custodial parent has no right to withhold visits because you have not paid hospital bills. Child support and visitation/custody are separate issues and must be dealt with separately in a court of law.