Co-Worker And I Both Did Wrong But I’m The One Who Got Fired!

Question: Judge, I was recently terminated from my job because I had a verbal altercation with another staff member and I used explicit language. The reason for my termination was because I work with kids and it was around kids but the other person used explicit language as well but did NOT get terminated. This was my first offense and I had no prior warnings or write ups. I feel my termination was unfair, is there any legal action that I can take?

The Judge’s Answer: Well, it depends on if you think you were fired due to your race, gender or religion, you may have an employment discrimination case and you need to contact the EEOC. If you have a contract with your employer and they terminated you contrary to the terms of that contract, you have a breach of employment contract claim. If you are in a union, you should file a grievance with your union. If you are an at-will employee, they may terminate you for any reason except because of your race, gender and religion.