My Mom’s Boyfriend Is Trying To Stick Me For $450 & More!

Question: Judge Mathis, My boyfriend and I agreed to buy a motor home for $1,000 from my mom’s boyfriend, who also had a large amount of household items he was going to donate to Goodwill. Instead of donating it, I asked him if he would let us try and sell it for him, he agreed and we sold over $3000 worth of items and turned the money over to him. I was told to donate what we couldn’t sell, which I did! We paid the $1,000 for the motor home and have proof of payment but now he is refusing to give me the title unless we pay him for the stuff we donated! Plus, he is asking for $450.00 worth of clothing he bought for me when I was in high school 11 years ago?!?! I thought the clothes were a gift because I was a minor, in school and not working, and there was never anything mentioned to me about it until recently. The only thing I have in writing is the agreement on the motor home, and nowhere in the contract does it mention repayment of the $450 or repayment for the donated items in exchange for the title. What can I do? Do I have a case?

The Judge’s Answer: If you sue your mother’s boyfriend for failure to follow through on the sale of the motor home, you will most likely be successful. It appears that you paid for the motor home as agreed and your mother’s boyfriend failed to follow through with the sale of the motor home per the contract. His claim for an unpaid loan and the value of donated property are separate issues from your agreement to purchase the motor home.