She Wants To Quit Job Before Divorce Is Final Just To Get Alimony!

Question: I’ve been separated from my wife for 2 years and I filed for divorce 10 months ago. In those 2 years I’ve been paying her $580 a month to cover rent for she and my son. She’s recently threatened to file for alimony and said that she’s quitting her job and expects me to pay for EVERYTHING until our divorce is final! I’m still going to continue to pay towards the support of her and my son but I told her that I can only pay $400 because my monthly obligations have changed. Am I going to be obligated to pay her alimony too?

The Judge’s Answer: In determining whether or not to grant a party alimony the court looks at whether either party has an actual need for alimony or maintenance and whether either party has the ability to pay alimony or maintenance.